Love Your Smile

Love is always in the air on Valentine’s Day so we thought it would be a good to time to remind you to show how much you care about your teeth too!

The best way to love your smile is to brush your teeth properly twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste and a good quality toothbrush. We always recommend electric toothbrushes so if you haven’t got one (or have one that is a bit out of date) why not consider treating yourself to a wee gift – and remember brush heads and manual toothbrushes need replacing every 3-4 months!

The bacteria in your mouth works most efficiently while you sleep so it is best to clean it all away before you go to bed. Overnight a film of plaque will develop so a good clean in the morning is key to having a healthy mouth and teeth for the rest of the day. Remember to leave an hour after meals or snacks before brushing your teeth as the enamel is soft for a while after eating. Also “spit don’t rinse” as rinsing washes away the protective fluoride left by brushing.

A tongue scraper is a great way to fight bad breath and make sure that there is no hiding place for germs and bacteria. Brushing your tongue with your toothbrush can also help but a tongue scraper does a much better job.

Watching what you eat also shows that you care. Try and stay away from high sugar and acidic foods and drinks as well as those that stain your teeth. Fibrous raw veg (especially carrots and celery) and fruit (apples of course!) and plain popcorn are matches made in heaven as they act as natural toothbrushes. Avoid sugary drinks, sweets, dried fruit, coffee and red wine and try not to snack between meals – drink lots of water instead.

If you would like any more advice on how to care for, or improve the look of, your teeth visit us at Kilbarchan Dental Practice, call 01505 704969.